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Engaging residents with food

30 June, 2020

MBF was thrilled to learn of a activity that Cobdenhealth ran for their residents recently.

In their own words, ‘Cobdenhealth is a 60-bed Residential Aged Care facility located in rural South West Victoria – a short drive from the iconic Twelve Apostles on the Great Ocean Road.

The residents are aged between 50 to 101, but that doesn’t stop them all from getting together to enjoy activities such as the Maggie Beer live cooking demo, bus outings to local sights and businesses, arts and crafts, and gardening, just to name a few.

COVID-19 restrictions meant the residents visitors were unable to visit for a period of time, and are now visiting with guidelines in place so we had to think outside of the box to create leisure & lifestyle activities that would stimulate the minds and hearts of all those living where we work, here at Cobdenhealth, to help them navigate through these unprecedented times. When our CEO, Evan Hill saw that Maggie was posting fantastic cooking demonstrations to her Maggie Beer Facebook page, he was quick to ask our superstar chef, Gayle, along with her supervisor, Charlene to come up with a way to get our great Cobdenhealth family involved. The morning of cooking saw residents from low, high and dementia care areas come across to watch and join in the cooking before getting to taste the delicious product, Bread and Butter Pudding with an Orange Twist… some couldn’t wait until after dinner to dive in, enjoying the pudding as a pre-lunch treat!’