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Trainer Mentor Program

The Trainer Mentor Program pairs aged care home kitchen teams with a qualified chef trainer who will mentor your team to serve flavourful, nutritious food and deliver an enhanced dining experience for residents in aged care homes. The program is FREE, delivered in-Home and is fully tailored to your needs.

The Trainer Mentor Program will help you continuously improve, meet regulatory requirements and enhance the quality of life for older people living in your Aged Care Home.

Over 12 months, participants will receive:

  • 5 days of intensive training, monthly follow-ups and regular coursework to consolidate learning.
  • A menu appraisal by an Accredited Practising Dietitian for 3 weeks of your Home’s menus.
  • Food Satisfaction Questionnaires for you to measure resident, family and staff satisfaction with your Home’s dining program.
  • A detailed report on Food Satisfaction Questionnaire and Menu Appraisal outcomes to inform your decision-making.
  • Access to the Professional Community, an online information and support forum for participating cooks, chefs and other staff.
  • Coveted 2-year Maggie Beer Foundation certificate provided for successfully participating Homes, valid for 2 years.
  • A Maggie Beer Foundation certificate upon completion for all cooks and chefs, valid for 2 years.



  • Building capability of chefs and cooks on how to source, prepare and serve delicious, nutritious food.
  • Receiving support and advice on how to meet the draft dedicated food and nutrition Aged Care Quality Standard (mandatory from 2025).
  • A potential reduction in unplanned weight loss, falls and major injury and pressure injury Quality Indicators, which contributes towards your Home’s Star Rating and is published publicly on My Aged Care.
  • A potential increase in positive responses to the Residents’ Experience Survey question “Do you like the food here?” which contributes towards your Home’s Star Rating published publicly on My Aged Care.



The program is open for up to 120 aged care homes until 2025. The application process ensures participants who will benefit most, secure a place. It also helps us understand demand for placement so we can meet it in future programs. There are 4 steps to the application process: (1) Application, (2) Data Collection, (3) Program Tailoring and (4) Program Commencement.

STEP 1 – Application

Application forms will collect information about your Aged Care Home, residents, existing dining program and your aims and expectations of training.

All applications will be reviewed after the closing date, by a panel of experts who will ensure successful applicants represent a wide range of aged care homes. This means including homes with different locations, sizes, cultural factors and star ratings. The selection panel will select Homes that:

  • Clearly demonstrate a commitment to completing the program.
  • Clearly demonstrate an ability to implement training recommendations.
  • Can provide the information and data we need to tailor a program to your individual needs.

The application process will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and you will be able to save your answers then come back to it later. Click here to view a pdf of the application form.

  • Phase 1 application deadline: 7 November 2023
  • Phase 2 application deadline: 22 January 2024
  • Phase 3 application deadline: 22 April 2024
  • Phase 4 application deadline: 5 August 2024
  • Phase 5 application deadline: 22 October 2024

Shortlisted aged care homes will be notified and provided with further information relating to the next step – Data collection. If your application is unsuccessful, your application will be automatically added to the next panel review or you will be asked to provide additional information.

STEP 2 – Data collection

If your application is successful you will be asked to collect and provide the following information. We will use the data provided to tailor a program specifically for the individual needs of your aged care home.

We will request data from you in the following ways:

  • A kitchen and pantry audit – Provide us with a complete list of all the food in your pantry, cool-room and freezer as well as a list of all the equipment in your kitchen. This information helps us provide training and support that works specifically with your kitchen.
  • Copies of recipes & nutritional information – Provide all standard and texture modified recipes for at least three weeks’ worth of menus including breakfast, mid-morning meal, lunch, mid-afternoon meal, dinner and snacks.
  • A copy of your food safety manual
  • Photographs of your kitchen, dining areas and outdoor spaces
  • Food Satisfaction Questionnaires – You will need to complete evidence-based questionnaires, prepared by Flinders University and provided to you. They are peer-reviewed, valid, reliable and easy to do. They allow us to measure change in resident, family and staff satisfaction with the food you serve. The questionnaires contain:
    – 42 questions for your staff
    – 25 questions for residents (administered by staff)
    – 24 questions for families of residents
    You will be able to access the questionnaires through an online portal. Printable copies are also available. Questionnaires take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. As part of the Trainer Mentor Program you will receive a report summarising the results of the questionnaires. This report provides clear insight for growth, improvement and opportunity. You will also receive online training, a user guide and ongoing support on how to collect and use this data for improvement in your aged care home.

  • A menu appraisal – We will ask you to submit three weeks of standard and texture modified menus for appraisal. We’ll ask for photos of all meals and snacks you serve in a 24hour period. This helps us identify the heroes in your menu and highlights areas for improvement so we can tailor your training. An Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) will measure food variety, nutritional needs and special dietary requirements in your menu. Your Food Service Manager will then meet online with the APD to provide any further information. As part of the Trainer Mentor Program, you will receive a report of the menu appraisal summarising your results and making clear recommendations for improvement.

STEP 3 – Tailor program

Once we have received all the data requested, a Maggie Beer Foundation Chef Trainer will work with you and your aged care home, to tailor the program to your individual needs.

STEP 4 – Program starts

The Trainer Mentor Program will start with 5 days intensive training with the Food Services Team. This usually takes place from Tuesday – Saturday, so that the Chef Trainer can also work with weekend staff. Monthly follow-up sessions are arranged with coursework to complete between sessions.

If you have any questions about the Trainer Mentor Program or how to apply, please contact training@maggiebeerfoundation.org.au or call (08) 8128 4464

Frequently Asked Questions:

What types of home can apply?  

Homes are selected based on the strength of the application, assessed on their ability to: 

  • Complete the program, with support from Senior Leaders  
  • Embrace learning and will implement changes  
  • Share their learning with other homes, to amplify impact of the program. 

This program is brand new and is being evaluated by an independent team at Health Consult. As such, we are looking for a representative sample of aged care homes across Australia to take part, including all: 

  • States and Territories 
  • Remoteness rating (from metropolitan to remote) 
  • Overall Star Ratings 
  • Size (from less than 20 residents to more than 100) 
  • Service purpose (for profit, not for profit and state funded) 
  • Resident diversity (e.g. cognitive impairment, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and Cultural and Linguistically Diverse).  

How do we apply?  

Homes can apply by completing the online application form 

Applications are made at a home level and are made by two representatives (ideally a representative from the Senior Leadership Team and a representative from the catering team). A letter of support must be provided by a Senior Leader.  

Applications are reviewed by an independent committee made up of industry experts. The committee reviews applications soon after the application closing date. The Maggie Beer Foundation will notify each home the outcome of their application a few weeks after the closing date, by emailing the two applicants.  

About the Trainer Mentor Program 

What is in the course?  

This program aims to support homes, the kitchen team and other staff involved in cooking and serving food to deliver meals that are delicious, nutritious and bring joy to residents each and every day.  

Every aged care is different – based on geography, home size, resident diversity, special dietary needs, staffing and equipment available. Course content is tailored to the needs of each aged care home, considering all of these factors. 

Overall, the program will focus on 4 main areas:  

  • Flavour: Your Chef Trainer will work with you to master cooking techniques that add flavour and move towards homemade meals and cooking from scratch. think gravy, stock, soups, custard and cakes. 
  • Nutrition: In this topic you will learn how to boost protein, using a food first approach. We’ll work together to reach 30g protein at each meal and 5g at each mid-meal – to combat malnutrition.   
  • Workflow: To find time to focus on flavour and nutrition, the kitchen must work smarter instead of harder. We’ll look at prep lists, standard recipes and bulk cooking to help you get ahead.   
  • Involving residents: We’ll gather feedback from residents at every stage, so we can meet their preferences and celebrate all the fabulous changes you make along the way. 

What does the program include?  

Your home will be paired with one of our Foundation’s Chef Trainers for 12 months.  

The 12 months is made up of: 

  • 5-day intensive training, held in your aged care home. This runs from a Tuesday – Saturday.  
  • Regular follow up sessions (equivalent to one day a month) 
  • Guided activities and coursework, supported by an online platform 
  • Quarterly milestones with online meeting to monitor progress. 

What outcomes can we expect?  

The Trainer Mentor Program is brand new and is being evaluated for impact. However, the Maggie Beer Foundation anticipates that homes participating fully in the program can expect:  

  • Greater satisfaction with food service by residents and families 
  • Improved staff support and job satisfaction 
  • Greater kitchen efficiency and less food waste 
  • Reductions in malnutrition and side effects of malnutrition 
  • Meeting Strengthened Aged Care Standards 
  • Improvements in other measures including Star Ratings.   

What data is needed to tailor the program?  

As every aged care home and kitchen team are different, the Maggie Beer Foundation asks homes that have been accepted into the program, to provide a range of information so the program can be tailored to your individual needs:  

  • About the food you currently serve:  
  • A list of the food you stock in the kitchen, including dry goods, cool room and freezer 
  • Recipes and nutritional information 
  • Menu appraisal (this is completed by an Accredited Practising Dietitian, in partnership with the home) 
  • About your operations and logistics: 
  • List of your equipment 
  • Food Safety Manual 
  • Current workflow 
  • Your environment 
  • Current Food Satisfaction by residents, families and staff (this is delivered in partnership with Flinders University). 

What happens if we don’t provide the data?  

There are two compulsory elements – the Menu Appraisal and Food Satisfaction Questionnaires.  

The data is needed to tailor your homes training plan. Without it, we may not be able to deliver the Trainer Mentor Program to you and your home.  

Once the program has started 

How can we get the most out of the program?  

Once an application is submitted for the course, an independent committee will select homes that are expected to: 

  • Complete the program, with support from Senior Leaders  
  • Embrace learning and will implement changes  
  • Share their learning with other homes, to amplify impact of the program. 

Trainer Mentor Program is a unique opportunity for homes to transform the food and dining experience. Homes that are gaining the most benefit are supporting the process with:  

  • Attitude and culture: being open to new ways of doing things and challenging established processes 
  • Staff and rostering: providing additional staff during face-to-face training sessions – to free up cooks and chefs to attend training and upskill as many people as possible 
  • Time and IT support: support staff to complete Online Learning Modules and coursework activities 
  • Whole of home approach: food and dining involves many people. Engaging residents and staff at all levels, including senior leaders, catering team, food service staff and allied health professionals.  

How much work is involved?  

The program aims to provide transformational change to the food and dining experience for aged care residents. The scope and pace of change is determined by each home. The more time and effort your home puts in, the greater the impact your home can expect.  

On average, each home needs to resource:  

  • Attendance to 12 days of face-to-face training 
  • 2 days of coursework per month 
  • 2 hours of meetings per quarter 
  • Plus, 5 hours of Online Learning Modules per person participating. 

What happens if the home doesn’t meet milestones?  

The Trainer Mentor Program is designed to enhance the food and dining experience in aged care.  

Homes are chosen for their commitment to make positive changes and are supported every step of the way. Each quarter, we set milestones to help keep progress on track.   

If a home encounters difficulties meeting these milestones, we’re here to provide additional support, working together to address any obstacles. Our goal is to help every home succeed in the program.  

However, if significant challenges persist and milestones are repeatedly missed, we may need to reassess your commitment to and participation in the program.  

Can we tell people we are taking part?  

Absolutely! In fact, we want you to share your journey and all the fabulous changes that you make with as many people as possible, including: 

  • Residents and families 
  • Staff and your board 
  • Other aged care homes.