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Maggie’s update

28 October, 2020

Spring brings with it some of the most uncertain weather of the year; we can go from 28 degree days down to 10 degrees with lots of rain overnight;  that is in the Barossa at least but the rain is such a blessing and this year, our late winter and spring have given us some soaking rains that are having a beautiful effect on our gardens – I hope that it’s so for you too. That chance to get out into the garden whether it’s to walk through and drink in the scents that Spring gives in the way of blossom and citrus flowers; or better still if your Home has some raised gardens that you can tend, it makes such a difference to the day.

I wanted to tell you about a webinar that I did in Adelaide a few weeks ago with SAHMRI. It was a very different experience for me in that I was filmed cooking a simple but delicious dish at the same time as some 80 people at home were cooking along with me, having been sent a box of ingredients and the recipe. It was hosted at the Adelaide Convention Centre kitchens, who kindly lent their facilities to allow SAHMRI to organise this. A delight for me was sharing the platform with Professor Caroline McMillen, South Australia’s Chief Scientist; it was a journey of exploration on the day with a huge amount of humour, as well as that scent of cooking that brings such comfort and that opens up the key to your hunger whether its meal time or not. SAHMRI is short for South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute on North Terrace in Adelaide and is the most dramatic and exciting building in my mind in the whole of Adelaide, looking down on the Torrens. I admire the organisation for the important research work that they do but also because they are kind enough to give our Foundation a ‘desk’ within the building because they believe in the work we are doing which means we don’t have the costs of running an office; which makes such a huge difference to running on the tightest budget believable,  particularly at the moment.

There has never been a harder time for residents, their families and every member of the team in every home coping with COVID restrictions and the loss of loved ones and so, together with all Australians, we hope that there are signs that these will be able to be relaxed before too long to allow easier access for family members and to take pressure of those who have worked so hard under such difficult circumstances during this year.

Again, I’m thinking of you all, Maggie