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Maggie Beer Event

‘Food for Thought’ workshop for CEOs and Managers

In order to effect change in a way that is greater than the sum of its parts, the Maggie Beer Foundation is once again offering the proven success of a specialised half day workshop for CEOs and managers, ‘Food for Thought’.

As Maggie explains, “For those in aged care not fortunate enough to have leadership that understands the importance, and the difference, that good food and the way it is delivered can make, I believe by working closely with those who wish to embrace the principals of the joy that food can bring, we can create this change with a movement that I hope will encourage all to follow.”

Knowing that a meal cooked with care is one of the very best ways of nurturing wellbeing, the Maggie Beer Foundation was established to ‘Create an Appetite for Life’, regardless of age or health restrictions. And the best way Maggie knows to effect the change she champions is to go to the source of the decision-making process; the CEOs and managers of aged care homes.

Following on from the ‘Creating an Appetite for Life’ Masterclass, dedicated to cooks and chefs, Maggie’s focus will shift from those creating the food for change, to those in decision making roles to best streamline ideas into action. ‘Food for Thought’ is a workshop dedicated to opening a dialogue with CEOs and Managers, working together to troubleshoot the issues that may be hampering full flavoured, highly nutritious food being enjoyed in aged care homes across Australia.

‘Food for Thought’ will offer CEOs and managers across Australia the chance to:

  • learn from food-focused aged care providers and relevant guest speakers
  • take part in lively discussions, including with Maggie
  • network with others in management roles
  • find out more about the work Maggie Beer Foundation is doing
  • learn how best you can aid the decision-making in aged care homes Australia-wide

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