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Training and Education Programs for Cooks, Chefs and Providers.

1 November, 2024

The Maggie Beer Foundation, funded by the Australian Federal Government’s Department of Health and Aged Care, are delivering education and training to improve the dining, food, and nutritional outcomes for older people in Aged Care.  This education program offers support to Providers, Homes, Cooks and Chefs in a range of activities and they are all FREE!


What’s available for Aged Care Homes?


FREE 12 month, tailored, in-home mentorship with a Maggie Beer Foundation Chef Trainer

  • Available to a maximum of 120 Aged Care Homes across Australia until 2025.
  • Includes a Menu Appraisal by an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Food Satisfaction Questionnaire with report.
  • Access to online portal and Professional Community forum.
  • Coveted 2-year Maggie Beer Foundation certificate for successfully participating Homes that successfully complete the program.
CLICK HERE to access the program


What’s available for individuals?


Short courses for Cooks and Chefs delivered by Maggie Beer Foundation Chef Trainers

  • Training delivered online + coursework.
  • Up to 20 participants per hub.
  • Optional access to a Menu Appraisal for your age care home. Provided by Accredited Practising Dietitians with results provided to the home.
  • Receive a certificate on completion and access to Online Learning Modules and the Professional Community forum.
CLICK HERE to access the HUBS


What’s in it for Providers? 

Provider Exclusive STATE AND TERRITORY HUBS (available now) 

Short courses for Cooks and Chefs delivered by Maggie Beer Foundation Chef Trainers 

  • Build the capability of your chefs and cooks to source, prepare and serve delicious, nutritious food. 
  • Three-week program (+ coursework), delivered online to up to 20 cooks and chefs from your Provider group. 
  • FREE menu appraisal conducted by an Accredited Practicing Dietitian for each participating home (optional) 
  • Get ready for the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards.
  • Improve dining experience and quality indicators, each contributing to your homes overall star rating.
  • Each participant receives a certificate on completion and access to Online Learning Modules and the Professional Community forum.
CLICK HERE to access the Provider Exclusive HUBS


ONLINE LEARNING MODULES (Available for Cooks and Chefs too!)

Training resources for Cooks, Chefs and Catering Managers to increase flavour and nutrition

  • Access anytime from anywhere, 16 modules available and more coming soon!
  • Module videos are 20-40 minutes long and include information packs, recipes, and resource links.
  • Successful completion of one or more modules, gives you access to the Professional Community forum.
  • Receive a certificate of completion for each successful module.