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Texture Modified Mushrooms with Blue Cheese and Chives by Amanda Orchard

31 May, 2019

Yay Mushrooms! Mushrooms are a wonderfully versatile ingredient, they’re packed full of nutrients with a lovely earthy, umami flavour and I’ve often found myself wondering why mushrooms aren’t modified more often for individuals on textured diets? When I was told the Foundation’s feature ingredient this month were these beautiful little morsels, I thought I’d share […]

Menu Review in Aged Care Homes by Morgan Pankhurst, APD

31 May, 2019

As part of the accreditation process Aged Care Homes are required to provide evidence that the menus have been reviewed for nutritional balance. These reviews are often done annually and conducted by an Accredited Practising Dietitian who provides the home with a report regarding the menu including specific areas for making improvements. So, what exactly […]

Ngaire Hobbins

31 May, 2019

Early on, the Foundation learnt of Ngaire Hobbins and the great work she has done around raising awareness of the unique nutrition needs of older people. Most people are unaware that these change as people move away from middle age and that continuing to follow eating advice that doesn’t reflect this unique difference can instead be unhelpful, […]

Texture Modified Vegetables – thinking outside the box!

30 April, 2019

This month I’d like to share with you all some ideas for different flavour profiles to incorporate into texture modified vegetables. By adding simple flavour enhancers, we have the ability to transform textured vegetables from bland….and let’s face it, a bit boring, to something quite special! Perhaps you could try some of the following? Whipped […]

Gardening for Grief by Cath Manuel

30 April, 2019

We all experience grief and loss at some stage in our lives. From the loss of someone we love or a change of life’s circumstances, for example the end of a relationship, loss of employment or moving into aged care and feeling the loss of how life was once lived. Working through grief takes time, […]